Optimization of industrial ventilation at Essentia Hobro

High energy consumption and poor indoor climate

In the fall of 2022, Essentia initiated a collaboration with Bardram to map the ventilation system throughout the factory with the goal of optimizing their industrial ventilation and creating a healthy indoor climate. Measurements revealed imbalances in the airflows, especially in areas where the supply air exceeded the exhaust air. This resulted in temperature increases of up to 40 degrees in certain areas.

Essentia, therefore, sought a solution to address these imbalances and utilize the excess heat being generated.

The aim was to balance the airflows and explore the possibilities for energy reuse, particularly from processes that generated saturated steam at 40 degrees. Besides reducing energy consumption, Essentia also wanted to improve hygiene, which aligned well with the other solutions.

Essentia Hobro

Implementation of the solution

Essentia's project manager, Sandra, described how Bardram was chosen after mapping the ventilation system and its potential for reuse. Following close dialogue with Sandra, a solution plan was developed and accepted just before the summer break. We quickly produced a ventilation system that met Essentia's needs at our own production facilities.

At the same time, we utilized existing systems at the factory, ensuring that the entire ventilation system functioned optimally together. Installers from Brdr. Rasmussen assisted with the complex installation, which required quick implementation to minimize production interruptions. Every effort was made to install our solution during Essentia's summer vacation, when the factory was closed for two weeks.

Results and effects for a better indoor climate

The implementation of the new industrial ventilation led to a noticeable change in temperature in the affected areas. Previously hot areas experienced a significant temperature drop, improving working conditions for employees. Additionally, challenges with condensation and steam from production processes were better managed, benefiting the environment, hygiene, and energy consumption.

Improvements of heat recovery on the horizon

Sandra also shared their future plans to further optimize and utilize the energy from warm airflows in other processes. The new projects focus on additional air exchange and temperature regulation in specific production areas. They aim to harness excess energy from warm processes and implement minor technical improvements in ventilation to further optimize operations.

Improved work environment and energy utilization

The collaboration between Essentia and Bardram has resulted in significant improvements in air quality and energy utilization at the factory. Through comprehensive mapping and implementation of professional industrial ventilation, Essentia has achieved measurable benefits for both the working environment and the environment, and they now look forward to continuing to optimize their ventilation systems to ensure a healthy indoor climate.

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Bardram Luft-Teknik A/S

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DK - 8362 Hørning
Tlf.: +45 71 99 30 60
CVR: 77982213

Mail: bardram@bardram.dk

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Bardram Luft-Teknik leverer komplette løsninger til industriventilation og køling samt til begrænsning af støj- og lugtgener.

Løsningerne anvendes primært i erhvervs- og industrilokaler med et udfordrende produktionsmiljø, hvor varme, kondens eller forurening giver et udfordrende indeklima.